

With Cleanpanel we offer the ideal solution for organisations that want to have durable and easy to clean (partitioning) walls and ceilings. The concept is mainly used in the carwash and food industry. This high-quality plastic panel has a super smooth surface, is resistant to most chemicals and disinfectants and is corrosion-free. Due to the unique brass-groove connection with rubber sealing on both sides the panels can be easily clicked together and assembled almost seamlessly, without using sealant.


There has been a successful collaboration with the German company MEA Bausysteme for many years. This manufacturer offers a complete line of high-quality, watertight basement construction products for maximum protection and light output in basements. Bouwimpex represents this brand exclusively for the Dutch market. Since the beginning of 2018, is the collaboration has been extended with the representation of the MEA line drainage products for the Benelux.



Metrotile is a manufacturer of lightweight and durable roofing materials for homes or commercial buildings. These roofing materials are pressed from high-quality steel, protected on both sides with an anti-corrosion layer and finished with granulate, matt paint, high gloss paint in a wide range of colours. Bouwimpex is an exclusive importer for the supply of Metrotile roofing materials to the Dutch market.