Project Description
New green Label sow shed
In 2017 the Van den Aker family had a new Green Label Sow Shed built. Bouwimpex supplied various high-quality plastic construction materials for this great project to deliver the stable entirely in accordance with the latest building requirements and to contribute to the Better Life Label (Beter Leven Keurmerk). During construction, consideration was given to, among other things, light, air, space and fire safety for the animals.
The customised skylights on the side doors provide plenty of daylight in the stable. With the placement of sash windows on the other facades light and air enter the shed in a simple way.
Bouwplast-plus plastic panels were used as pen lay out and pen partition and Bouwplast FR fire-resistant panels were used for the department walls. Bouwimpex was also used for the sturdy, easy to clean plastic doors; the shed has been fitted with several Omnidoor exterior doors and Agridoor inner doors.
The new Green Label Sow Shed has 460 sow places. A two-week system will be used. The piglets stay in the farrowing pen until they are five weeks old, before they go to the piglet stable.
The work has been carried out in collaboration with Bouwbedrijf Th vd Linden B.Va And Nijenkamp stable lay out and metalwork.